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Artykuły w czasopismach z listy filadelfijskiego Instytutu Informacji Naukowej:

Chmielarz, L., Piwowarska, Z., Rutkowska, M., Wojciechowska, M., Dudek, B., Witkowski, S. & Michalik, M., 2012. Total oxidation of selected mono-carbon VOCs over hydrotalcite originated metal oxide catalysts. Catalysis Communications, 17: 118–125.

Chmielarz, L., Wojciechowska, M., Rutkowska, M., Adamski, A., Węgrzyn, A., Kowalczyk, A., Dudek, B., Boron, P., Michalik, M. & Matusiewicz A., 2012. Acid-activated vermiculites as catalysts of the DeNO(x) process. Catalysis Today, 191: 25–31.

Cieszkowski, M., Golonka, J. & Waśkowska-Oliwa, A., 2012. An olistolith interpretation for the Paleocene Szydłowiec Sandstones in the stratotype area (Outer Carpathians, Poland). Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 105: 240–247.

Cieszkowski, M., Golonka, J., Ślączka, A., & Waśkowska-Oliwa, A., 2012. Role of the olistostromes and olistoliths in tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Silesian Basin in the Outer West Carpathians. Tectonophysics, 568-569: 248–265.

Demírcan, H. & Uchman, A., 2012. The miniature echinoid trace fossil Bichordites kuzunensis isp. nov. from early Oligocene prodelta sediments of the Mezardere Formation, Gökçeada Island, NW Turkey. Acta Geologica Polonica, 62: 205–215.

Drozd, D., Szczubiałka, K., Łapok, Ł., Skiba, M., Patel, H., Gorunc, S.M. & Nowakowska, M., 2012. Visible light induced photosensitized degradation of Acid Orange 7 in the suspension of bentonite intercalated with perfluoroalkyl perfluoro phthalocyanine zinc complex. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 125: 35–40.

Dudek, B., Kustrowski, P., Bialas, A., Natkanski, P., Piwowarska. Z., Chmielarz L., Kozak M. & Michalik, M., 2012. Influence of textural and structural properties of Mg-Al and Mg-Zn-Al containing hydrotalcite derived oxides on Cr(VI) adsorption capacity. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 132: 929–936.

Elżanowski, A., Bieńkowska-Wasiluk, M., Chodyń, R. & Bogdanowicz, W., 2012. Anatomy of the coracoid and diversity of the Procellariiformes (Aves) in the Oligocene of Europe. Palaeontology, 55: 1199–1221.

Gasinski, M. A., Hoeck, V., Ślączka A., & Ionescu, C., 2012. Early Eocene age of a sandstone from the Buntmergel Formation (Gresten Klippen Zone, Lower Austria). Geological Quarterly, 56: 845–852.

Gedl, P., Kaim, A., Leonowicz, A., Boczarowski, A., Dudek, T., Kędzierski, M., Rees, J., Smoleń, J., Szczepanik, P., Sztajner, P., Witkowska, M. & Ziaja, J., 2012. Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn, Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica, 62: 463–484.

Gradziński, M., Chmiel, M. J. & Motyka, J., 2012. Formation of calcite by chemolithoautotrophic bacteria – a new hypothesis, based on microcrystalline cave pisoids. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 82: 361–369.

Gradziński, M., Duliński, M., Hercman, H., Górny, A. & Przybyszowski, S., 2012. Peculiar calcite speleothems filling fissures in calcareous sandstones and their palaeohydrological and palaeoclimatic significance: an example from the Polish Carpathians. Geological Quarterly, 56: 711–732.

Hanken N. M., Uchman, A. & Jakobsen, S. L., 2012 (online 2011). Late Pleistocene - early Holocene polychaete borings in north-east Spitsbergen and their palaeoecological and climatic implications: an example from the Basissletta area. Boreas, 41:42-55.

Jach, R., Machaniec, E. & Uchman, A., 2012. The trace fossil Nummipera eocenica from the Tatra Mountains, Poland: morphology and palaeoenvironmental implications. Lethaia, 45: 342–355.

Jach, R., Reháková, D. & Uchman, A., 2012. Biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the Kimmeridgian–Lower Tithonian pelagic sediments of the Krížna Nappe, Lejowa Valley, Tatra Mts., southern Poland. Geological Quarterly, 56: 773–788.

Kędzierski, M. & Ochabska, A., 2012. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and sedimentary environment of Valanginian-Hauterivian rhythmites (Silesian Nappe, Polish Carpathians). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 82: 225–237.

Kędzierski, M., 2012. Calcareous nannofossils from the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn as palaeoenvironmanetal indicator, Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica, 62: 421–437.

Kędzierski, M., Machaniec, E., Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J. & Uchman, A., 2012. Bio-events, foraminiferal and nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval in the Subsilesian Nappe, Rybie section, Polish Carpathians. Cretaceous Research, 35:181–198.

Kołodziej, B., Golubic, S., Bucur, I.I., Radtke, G. & Tribollet, A., 2012. Early Cretaceous record of microboring organisms in skeletons of growing corals. Lethaia, 45: 34–45.

Kołodziej, B., Ivanov, M. & Idakieva, V., 2012. Prolific development of pachythecaliines in Late Barremian, Bulgaria: coral taxonomy and sedimentary environment. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 82: 291–330.

Kotlarczyk, J., Uchman, A., 2012. Integrated ichnological and ichthyological analysis of oxygenation changes in the Menilite Formation during Oligocene, Skole and Subsilesian nappes, Polish Carpathians. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 331–332: 104–118.

Krzywiec, P., Bukowski, K., Oszczypko, N. & Garlicki, A., 2012. Structure and Miocene evolution of the Gdów tectonic "embayment" (Polish Carpathian Foredeep) – new model based on reinterpreted seismic data. Geological Quarterly, 56: 907–920.

Leszczyński, S., Kołodziej, B., Bassi, D., Malata, E. & Gasiński, M. A., 2012. Origin and resedimentation of rhodoliths in the Late Paleocene flysch of the Polish Outer Carpathians. Facies, 58: 367–38.

Lewandowska, J., Staszewska, M., Kepczynski, M., Szuwarzyński, M., Łatkiewicz, A., Olejniczak, Z. & Nowakowska, M., 2012. Sol gel synthesis of iron oxide silica composite microstructures. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 64: 67–77.

Lukeneder, A., Uchman, A., Gaillard, C. & Olivero, D., 2012. The late Barremian Halimedides horizon of the Dolomites (Southern Alps, Italy). Cretaceous Research, 35: 199–207.

Meres, Š., Aubrecht, R., Gradziński, M. & Sykora, M., 2012. High (ultrahigh) pressure metamorphic terrane rocks as the source of the detrital garnets from the Middle Jurassic sands and sandstones of the Cracow Region (Cracow-Wieluń Upland, Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica, 62: 231–245.

Monaco, P., Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J. & Uchman, A., 2012. Ichnological analysis of lateral environmental heterogeneity within the Bonarelli Level (uppermost Cenomanian) in the classical localities near Gubbio, Central Apennines, Italy. Palaios, 27: 48–54.

Monaco, P., Trecci, T. & Uchman, A., 2012. Taphonomy and ichnofabric of the trace fossil Avetoichnus luisae in Paleogene deep-sea fine-grained turbidites: examples from Italy, Poland and Spain. Bolletino della Soctietà Geologica Italiana, 51(1): 23–38.

Moosmüller, H., Engelbrecht, J., Skiba, M., Frey, G., Chakrabarty, R. K. & Arnott, W.P., 2012. Single Scattering Albedo of Fine Mineral Dust Aerosols Controlled by Iron Concentration. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 117: D11210, doi:10.1029/2011JD016909 (10 pages).

Morycowa, E., 2012. Corals from the Tithonian carbonate complex in the Dąbrowa Tarnowska–Szczucin area (Polish Carpathian Foreland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 82: 1–38.

Napoli, G., Nigro, F., Renda, P., Ślączka, A.& Rocco Favara, R., 2012. Tectonic evolution of the Sicilian Thrust System (central Mediterranean). Geological Quarterly, 56: 579–600.

Natkański, P., Kuśrowski, P., Białas, A., Piwowarska, Z. & Michalik M., 2012. Controlled swelling and adsorption properties of polyacrylate/montmorillonite composites. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 136: 1109–1115.

Oszczypko, N. & Oszczypko-Clowes, M., 2012. Stages of development in the Polish Carpathian Foredeep basin. Central European Journal of Geosciences, 4: 138–162.

Oszczypko, N., Salata, D. & Krobicki, M., 2012. Early Cretaceous intra-plate volcanism in the Pieniny Klippen Belt – a case study of the Velykyi Kamenets/Vilkhivchyk (Ukraine) and Biała Woda (Poland) sections. Geological Quarterly, 56: 629–648.

Oszczypko, N., Olszewska, B. & Malata, E., 2012. Cretaceous (Aptian/Albian-?Cenomanian) age of "Black Flysch"and adjacent deposits of the Grajcarek Thrust-Sheets in the Małe Pieniny Mts. (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Polish Outer Carpathians). Geological Quarterly, 56: 411–440.

Oszczypko, N., Uchman, A. & Bubniak, I., 2012. Foreland provenance of thick conglomerates in the early stage of the Carpathian Foredeep development: a case of the Sloboda Conglomerate (Lower Miocene), Western Ukraine. Geological Quarterly, 56: 789–802.

Oszczypko-Clowes, M., & Żydek, B. 2012. Paleoecology of the Late Eocene Early Oligocene Malcov Basin based on the calcareous nannofossils – a case study of the Leluchów section (Krynica Zone, Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians). Geologica Carpathica, 63: 149–164.

Oszczypko-Clowes, M., 2012. Reworked nannofossils from the youngest flysch deposits in the Magura Nappe (Outer Western Carpathians, Poland) - A case study. Geologica Carpathica, 63: 407–421.

Oszczypko-Clowes, M., Lelek, D. & Oszczypko, N., 2012. Sarmatian paleoecological environment of the Machów Formation based on the quantitative nannofossil analysis-a case study from the Sokołów area (Polish Carpathian Foredeep). Geologica Carpathica, 63: 267–294.

Rajchel. J. & Uchman, A., 2012. Ichnology of Late Cretaceous deep-sea thick-bedded sandstones: Lower Istebna Beds, Silesian Unit, middle Polish Flysch Carpathians. Geologica Carpathica, 63: 107–120.

Rogoz, A., Sawlowicz, Z., Wojtal, P., 2012. Diagenetic history of woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) skeletal remains from the archaeological site Cracow Spadzista Street (B), southern Poland. Palaios, 27: 541–549.

Salata, D. & Uchman, A., 2012. Heavy minerals from Oligocene sandstones of the Menilite Formation of the Skole Nappe, SE Poland: a tool for provenance specification. Geological Quarterly, 56: 803–820.

Sorauf, J. E., Ezaki, Y., Fedorowski, J., Jell, J. S., Kato, M., Morycowa, E. & Roniewicz, E, 2012. Mentors: the generation 1935-1985. Geologica Belgica, 15: 204–208.

Stachacz, M., 2012. Ichnology of Czarna Shale Formation (Cambrian, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 82: 105–120.

Stachacz, M., 2012. New finds of Rusophycus from the lower Cambrian Ociesęki Sandstone Formation (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). Geological Quarterly, 56: 237–248.

Szulc, J., & Worobiec, E., Neogene karst sinkhole and its deposits from Górażdże Quarry, Upper Silesia – archive for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Ann. Soc. Geol. Pol., 82: 371–385.

Szymański, W., Skiba, M., Skiba, S., 2012. Origin of reversible cementation and brittleness of the fragipan horizon in Albeluvisols of the Carpathian Foothills, Poland. Catena, 99: 66–74.

Ślączka, A., Renda, P., Cieszkowski, M., Golonka, J. & Nigro F., 2012. Sedimentary basin evolution and olistolith formation: The case of Carpathian and Sicilian region. Tectonophysics, 568-569: 306–319.

Uchman A., Kaminski, M.A. & Rattazzi B., 2012. Arthrodendron borberensis sp. nov., a large protist (Foraminifera) from the Pagliaro Formation (Palaeocene), Northern Apennines, Italy. Geological Quarterly, 56: 215–224.

Uchman, A., Caruso, C. & Sonnino, M., 2012.Taxonomic review of Chondrites affinis (Sternberg, 1833) from Cretaceous-Neogene offshore-deep-sea Tethyan sediments and recommendation for its further use. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 118(2): 313–324. Milano.

Uchman, A., Ślączka, A., & Renda, R., 2012. Probable root structures and associated trace fossils from the Lower Pleistocene calcarenites of Favignana Island, southern Italy: dilemmas of interpretation. Geological Quarterly, 56: 745–756.

Uzarowicz, Ł., Segvic, B. , Michalik, M. & Bylina P., 2012. The effect of hydrochemical conditions and pH of the environment on phyllosilicate transformations in the weathering zone of pyrite-bearing schists in Wieściszowice (SW Poland). Clay Minerals, 47: 401–417.

Wójcik, P. & Oszczypko, N., 2012. Trace geochemistry of the Early to Late Cretaceous deposits of the Grajcarek thrust-sheets – a palaeoenviromental approach (Małe Pieniny Mts., Pieniny Klippen Belt, Poland): Geological Quarterly, 56: 169–186.

Wójcik, P. & Oszczypko, N., 2012. Trace geochemistry of the Early to Late Cretaceous de posits of the Grajcarek thrust-sheets – a palaeoenviromental ap proach (Małe Pieniny Mts., Pieniny Klippen Belt, Poland): reply. Geological Quarterly, 56: 573–576.


Artykuły w językach kongresowych recenzowane:

Jabłońska, M., Chmielarz L., Węgrzyn A., Witkowski S.& Michalik M., 2012. Mixed metal oxides Mg-Cu-Fe obtained from hydrotalcites as catalysts for selective oxidation of ammonia to nitro gen and water vapour SCO). Chemik, 66: 750–753.

Moosmüller, H., Engelbrecht, J. P., Skiba, M., Frey, G., Chakrabarty, R. K., & Arnott, W. P., 2012. Single Scattering Albedo of Fine Mineral Dust Aerosols Controlled by Iron Concentration. Proceedings of the Aerosol and Atmospheric Optics: Visibility and Air Pollution Specialty Conference, Air & Waste Management Association, Whitefish, MT, September 24–28.

Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J. & Uchman, A., 2012. The record of Avetoichnus luisae Uchman & Ratazzi, 2011 in the Iberian Peninsula: facies relationships and palaeonvironmental implications. Revista Española de Paleontología, 27: 67–74.


Artykuły po polsku recenzowane:

Gaździcki, A. & Uchman, A., 2012. Fatrzańska przynależność utworów retyku w profilu „nad moreną" (rejon Przysłopu Miętusiego): korekta stratygrafii hronikum w Tatrach (Fatricum provenance of the Rheatian deposits in the „Nad Moreną" section (Przysłop Miętusi area): a correction of the Hronicum stratigraphy in the Tatra Mts). Przegląd Geologiczny, 60: 333–340.

Gradziński, M., 2012. Nazewnictwo jaskiniowe – spojrzenie przyrodnika. Prądnik, 22: 115–122.

Jaglarz, P., 2012. Multi-stage dolomtization in the Lower−Middle Triassic succession of the High-Tatric series (Western Tatra Mts., Poland). (In Polish, English summary). Przegląd Geologiczny, 60: 284–293.

Wójcik-Tabol, P. , 2012. Poszukiwany świadek naoczny impaktu – kwarc wstrząsowy. Przegląd Geologiczny, 60: 263–266.


Recenzowane monografie w językach kongresowych:

Baucon, A., Bordy, E., Brustur, T., Buatois, L.A., Cunningham, T., De, C., Duffin, C., Falletti, F., Gaillard, C., Hy, B., Hu, L., Jensen, S., Knaust, D., Lockley, M., Lowe, P., Mayor, A., Mayoral, E., Mikuláš, R., Muttoni, G., Neto de Carvalho, C., Pemberton, G.S., Pollard, J., Rindsberg, A.K., Santos, A., Seike, K., Song, H., Turner, S., Uchman, A., Wang, Y., Gong, Y., Zhang, L. & Zhang, W., 2012. A history of ideas in ichnology. In: Bromley, R.G. & Knaust, D. (Eds.), Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments. Developments in Sedimentology, 64: 3–43. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Netto, R.G., Benner, J.S., Buatois, L.A., Uchman, A., Mángano, G., Riddge, J.C., Kazakauskas, V. & Gaigalas, A., 2012. Glacial environments. In: Bromley, R.G. & Knaust, D. (Eds.), Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments. Developments in Sedimentology, 64: 299–327. Elsevier, Amsterdam.


Recenzowany rozdział monografii w językach kongresowych:

Uchman, A. & Wetzel, A., 2012. Deep-sea fans. In: Bromley, R.G. & Knaust, D. (Eds.), Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments. Developments in Sedimentology, 64: 643–671. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Wetzel, A. & Uchman, A., 2012. Hemipelagic and pelagic basin plains. In: Bromley, R.G. & Knaust, D. (Eds.), Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments. Developments in Sedimentology, 64: 673–701. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Wolska, A., 2012. Petrology and geochemistry of granitoids and their mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) in marginal part of the Małopolska Block (S Poland). Mineralogia, 43 : 3–127.



Chodyń, R., Kowal, J., Olszewska, B.& Cieszkowski, M., 2012. Tithonian exotic limestones in the profile of the Lower Istebna Sandstone south from Dobczyce (Silesian Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians). In: Jozsa, Š., Rehakova, D., Vojtko, R. (Eds.), Environmental, Structural and Stratigraphical Evolution of the Western Carpathians. 8th Conference 2012, Abstract Book, 6th-7th December, Bratislava, p. 5.

Cieszkowski, M., Golonka, J., Kowal, J., Ślączka, A., Waśkowska, A. & Wendorff, M., 2012. Early Cretaceous dark shale olistoliths and Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous carbonate clasts within the Turonian – Coniacian mass-transport deposits as indicators of activity of the Silesian Basin's southern margin (Outher Carpathians, Poland). In: 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology. Sedimentology in the Heart of the Alps, p. 415.

Cieszkowski, M., Golonka, J., Kowal-Kasprzyk, J. & Waśkowska, A., 2012. The biogenic calcareous material as a significant component of the Goryczkowiec (Szydłowiec) sandstone (Paleocene, Outer Carpathians, Poland). In: 13th Czech-Slovak-Polish Paleontological Conference. October 18th-19th, 2012. Book of contributions, p. 22.

Gasiński, M. A., Uchman, A. & Wójcik-Tabol, P., 2012. The "last minutes" of foraminiferids before the latest Cretaceous-Paleocene extinction: an example from the Polish Carpathians. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, 5-10 August 2012, Brisbane, Australia. BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance, p. 1900.

Gradziński, M., Duliński, M., Hercman, H., Górny, A. & Przybyszowski, S., 2012. Kalcytowe speleotemy z kamieniołomu w Klęczanach (Karpaty fliszowe): geneza, wiek i znaczenie. In: Szulc, J. & Wróblewski, W. (eds), Materiały 46. Sympozjum Speleologicznego. Góra Świętej Anny, 19–21.10.2012 r. Sekcja Speleologiczna PTP, Kraków, p. 44.

Gradziński, M., Hercman, H., Jaśkiewicz, M. & Szczurek, S., 2012. Holocene tufa in Slovak Karst: facies and sedimentary environments. In: 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology. Schladming. Abstract Book, p. 291.

Jach, R., Reháková, D. & Uchman, A., 2012. Kimmeridgian – Lower Tithonian pelagic sediments of the Krížna Nappe, Western Tatra Mts., southern Poland. In: IAS Meeting of Sedimentology 29th. Schladming, Austria, 10th – 13th September 2012, p. 537.

Jurkowska, A. & Świerczewska-Gładysz E., 2012. Krzemionkowe gąbki z grupy Lyssacinosida z osadów górnej kredy z południowej Polski- występowanie i znaczenie paleoekologiczne. II Polski Kongres Geologiczny, Września, pp. 17-19

Jurkowska, A., 2012. "Middle" Campanian "I".azerbaydajensis - "I". vorhelmensisis deposits of epeiric sea of Southern Poland: a case study from the Miechów Area. 3rd Students International Geological Conference Lviv, Ukraine, 27-30.04, 2012.

Kajdas, B., Majka J. & Michalik M., 2012. Fluid-induced breakdown of monazite-(Ce) and xenotime-(Y) and formation of fluorapatite-LREE-epidote and fluorapatite-allanite-(Y) coronas in the grusified Izera metagranites of the northern Bohemian Massif. In: European Mineralogical Conference Frankfurt, Niemcy, Września, pp. 2 - 6

Kowal, J. & Olszewska B., 2012. Górnojurajskie i dolnokredowe utwory otwartego morza z wapieni egzotykowych płaszczowiny śląskiej polskich Karpat zewnętrznych – wstępne wyniki badań. W: Młodzi w paleontologii IV, 19-20.04.2012. Sopot. Materiały konferencyjne, p.30–32.

Kowal, J. & Olszewska B., 2012. Non-skeletal grains as significant components of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous exotic limestones from the Polish Outer Carpathians – a microscopic case study. In: 3rd Students International Geological Conference. Lviv, Ukraine, April 27-30, 2012. Abstracts, pp. 94–95.

Kowal-Kasprzyk, J., 2012. Związki morfologicznego ukształtowania terenu z budową geologiczną w zachodniej części okna tektonicznego Klęczan – Limanowej (Karpaty zewnętrzne). W: III Warsztaty Geomorfologii Strukturalnej: Strukturalne i litofacjalne uwarunkowania rozwoju rzeźby polskich Karpat zewnętrznych, p. 84.

Kowal-Kasprzyk, J., Olszewska B., 2012. Exotic limestones with calpionellids from the Silesian Nappe of the Polish Outer Carpathians. In: 13th Czech-Slovak-Polish Paleontological Conference. October 18th-19th, 2012. Book of contributions, p. 40.

Kowalski, P., & Michalik, M., 2012. Charakterystyka mineralogiczna i chemiczna żużli i popiołów lotnych powstałych w trakcie spalania odpadów komunalnych i przemysłowych. X KONFERENCJA: Dla Miasta i Środowiska – Problemy unieszkodliwiania odpadów. Materiały konferencyjne, 10: 57–60.

Kowalski, P. & Michalik, M., 2012. Mineralogical characteristic and comparison between slags from the incineration of municipal and industrial waste in Poland – preliminary results. European Mineralogical Conference. 1: 418.

Kowalski, P. & Michalik, M., 2012. Synthesis of zeolitic materials from fly ash received from co-firing coal and bimass. Prezentacja w trakcie: ADVANCEEG 1 2012: (Mineral resources suitable for environmental application.). Banská Ŝtiavnica, Slovakia, July 2-13, 2012.

Lelek, D., Oszczypko-Clowes, M. & Oszczypko, N., 2012. Preliminary data on biostratigraphy of calcareous nanoplankton from Ryszkowa Wola horst-case of study from Sieniawa-Rudka Area (Carpathian Foredeep Poland). In: In. S. Jozsa ,D. Rehakova D. & R. Vojtko (eds.) .Conference of Environmental, Structural and Stratigraphical Evolution of the Western Carpathians, December 6-7, 2012. Abstract Book. Fac. Nat. Sc., Comenius University,Bratislava, 27.

Leszczyński, S., Hawryłko, S., Schnabel, W. & Malata, E., 2012. Turbiditic shales versus hemipelagic shales In the Magura Beds of Glauconitic Facies (Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene, Polish Outer Carpathians). GeoShale2012. Recent Advances in Geology of Fine-Grained Sediments. 14-16 May 2012, Warsaw, Poland, Book of Abstracts Field Trip Guidebook. International Conference organized by Polish Geological Institute National Research Institute under the auspices of Geocenter Poland, p. 137.

Minor-Wróblewska, P & Leszczyński, S., 2012. Wapienie mszywiołowo-glonowe skałek andrychowskich (paleocen): przykład materiału źródłowego wapiennych, okruchowych składników fliszu polskich Karpat zewnętrznych. Drugi Polski Kongres Geologiczny, 17-19.09.2012, Warszawa, p. 61

Minor-Wróblewska, P., 2012. Characteristic of some carbonate exotic clasts of Babica Clay – a case study from Kosina (Skole Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians). 8th Environmental, Structural and Stratigraphical evolution of the Western Carpathians Conference, 6-7.12.2012, Bratislava, Slovakia, p. 32.

Minor-Wróblewska, P., 2012. Glony koralinowe, jako wskaźnik paleośrodowiska na przykładzie utworów paleocenu jednostki śląskiej polskich Karpat zewnętrznych. IV Konferencja Naukowa „Młodzi w Paleontologii", 19-20.04.2012. Sopot, pp. 48–49

Minor-Wróblewska, P., 2012. Organodetritic limestones from Andrychów Klippes (Paleocene – Lower Eocene) as a potential source of carbonate exotic material in the flysch of the Polish Outer Carpathians. 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Schladming, Austria 10-13.09.2012, p: 72.

Minor-Wróblewska, P., 2012. Rhodoliths from Paleocene flysch of Silesian Nappe (Polish Outer Carpathians). 3rd Students International Geological Conference, 27-30.04.2012, Lviv, Ukraine, p: 99.

Niesiołowska E., 2012. Biostratygrafia i paleośrodowisko skałek andrychowskich w oparciu o analizę mikropaleontologiczną i mikrofacjalną. IV Konferencja Naukowa „Młodzi w Paleontologii", Sopot 19-20.04. 2012.

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