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Completed Research Rrojects

National Projects:

  • KBN 3/3 P04D 013 23 (2002-2004) – "Carbonate minerals from copper shale and their relationship to the formation processes of the copper deposit in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline" – project leader
  • KBN 2/6 P04D 004 15 (1999-2000) – "Determination of the deposition environment and early diagenesis of anoxic sediments based on selected geochemical parameters" - critical assessment – project leader
  • KBN 6 P201 008 07 (1994-1996) – "Platinum group elements concentration processes in the Zechstein copper deposit in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline" – project leader

International Projects:

  • Global Mineral Resource Assessment Program (USGS–GMRAP, 2006-2009)
  • UNESCO IGCP 386 (1996-2000) – "Response of the ocean/atmosphere system to past global changes: a geochemical approach based on empirical and modeling data" – co-project leader
  • European Scientific Network (ESF, 1994-1998) – "Impact Cratering and Evolution of Planet Earth"
  • UNESCO IGCP 293 (1990-1993) – "Geochemical event markers in the Phanerozoic"
  • UNESCO IGCP 254 (1987-1992) – "Metalliferous black shales" – national project co-leader