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Academic Achievements

  • Since 2008Professor
  • 2001Habilitation
    • Jagiellonian University, obtaining the postdoctoral degree in natural sciences, in the field of Earth sciences, specifically geology, with specialization in mineralogy, geochemistry, and ore geology
    • Habilitation thesis: "Framboids: from their origin to application"
  • 1987Ph.D.
    • Jagiellonian University, obtaining the doctoral degree in Earth sciences, specifically geology
    • Ph.D. thesis topic: "The influence of organic matter on the mineralization of copper shale from the Fore-Sudetic monocline"

Scientific Interests

  • Mineralogy and geochemistry of ore deposits in sedimentary rocks (mainly copper)
  • Geochemistry of anoxic sediments
  • PGE and REE
  • Iron sulfides (framboids)
  • Mineralogy and geochemistry of salt deposits
  • Metal corrosion
  • Taphonomy of organic remains
  • Organic matter in deposits
  • Sulfide weathering
  • Origin of life on Earth
  • Mineralogy in mechanoactivation
  • Incrustation materials in ornamentation

Selected Scientific Publications

  • Jaranowski, M., Budzyń, B., Rzepa, G., Sláma, J. & Sawłowicz, Z., 2021. Geochemical constraints on the distribution of trace elements and volatiles in fluorapatite from the Panasqueira tin-tungsten deposit (Portugal). Chemie der Erde. Geochemistry, 81(2): 125765.
  • Sawłowicz, Z., 2020. A short review of pyroducts (lava tubes). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 90(4): 513–534.
  • Szczepanik, P., Giże, A. & Sawłowicz, Z., 2017. Pyritization of dinoflagellate cysts: a case study from the Polish Middle Jurassic (Bathonian). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 247: 1–12.
  • Kędzierski, M., Uchman, A., Sawłowicz, Z. & Briguglio, A., 2015. Fossilized bioelectric wire: the trace fossil Trichichnus. Biogeosciences, 12(8): 2301–2309.
  • Sawłowicz, Z., 2013. REE and their relevance to the development of the Kupferschiefer copper deposit in Poland. Ore Geology Reviews, 55: 176–186.

International Experience

  • University of Oxford, UK (OCHSPS)(research on anoxic sediments)
  • University of St. Andrews, Scotland (research on liquid-gas inclusions)
  • University of Goettingen, Germany (Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, research on "Kupferschiefer" type copper deposits)
  • University of Glasgow, Scotland (research on Zn-Pb deposits and the origin of life on Earth)
  • Federal Institute of Geosciences (BGR), Hannover, Germany (Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, research on REE and PGE deposits of "Kupferschiefer” type copper deposits)
  • University of Manchester, England (research on organic matter in deposits)
  • University of Zagreb, Croatia (research on Zn-Pb deposits)
  • University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia (review of the largest Au, Zn, Pb, and Cu deposits in Queensland)
  • Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA (comparative research on "Kupferschiefer" type copper deposits and sedimentary deposits of Utah and Plateau Colorado)
  • University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, RSA (review of the largest deposits in RSA and Namibia, co-leading field trip)
  • Consultations on copper deposits in Australia and Brazil

Organization and Participation in Scientific Conferences

  • From 1985 to 2022, active participation in approximately 55 international conferences and field trips in Europe, USA, Israel, China, India, Japan, RSA, and Brazil (several distinguished by chairing scientific sessions) and approximately 20 national ones
  • Organization of one international conference and co-organization of three others
  • Editor of two geological guides as part of international conferences
  • Invited talks in various centers worldwide, including Manchester, Glasgow, Denver, Salt Lake City, Hannover, Zagreb, Hobart, and Townsville

Membership in Scientific Organizations

  • SEG (Society of Economic Geologists)
  • PTMin (Polish Mineralogical Society)
  • Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum – member of the Silesian-Krakow Branch Board

Editorial Membership in Scientific Journals

Mineralogicheskij Zhurnal (Ukraine) – member of the Committee