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Courses – Academic Year 2024/25

  • Sedimentology – lecture and exercises
  • Methods of stratigraphy – lecture and exercises
  • Sedimentary environments and their deposits –  discussion class, lecture
  • Fieldwork: Exercises in the Tatra and Pieniny Mountains
  • Magister laboratory class – workshop/laboratory class
  • Diploma (licencjat) workshop – workshop/laboratory class

Teaching Experience – Theses Supervision

Supervisor: 13 MSc Thesis, 17 BSc Thesis

Topics of Theses Supervised

  • Depositional conditions of the Callovian and lowermost Oxfodian deposits in the Krzeszowice region – MSc Thesis, 2023
  • Middle– and Upper Jurassic limestones and radiolarites of the Niedzica-Podmajerz section, Pieniny – MSc Thesis, 2021
  • Callovian–lower Oxfordian sections of the Tethyan region – BSc Thesis, 2021
  • Ocean acidification - mechanism, modern process, geological record – BSc Thesis, 2021
  • Calcium carbonate content and magnetic susceptibillity of the Lower Jurassic deposits at the Huciański Klin section, Western Tatra Mts. – MSc Thesis, 2020
  • Chemostratigraphy, microfacies and mineral composition of Middle–Upper Jurassic sediments in selected sections of Krížna Nappe in the Tatra Mountains – MSc Thesis, 2020
  • Magnetic susceptibility and CaCO3 content of the Lower Jurassic spotted limestones of the Krížna Nappe, Western Tatra Mountains – MSc Thesis, 2019
  • Freshwater and shallow-water carbonate sedimentary rocks – sedimentary rock collection – BSc Thesis, 2019
  • Description and archiving of lithological speciments and thin sections from the Lower Jurassic sediments of the Krizna nappe of the Western Tatra Mts. – BSc Thesis, 2019
  • The bone remains of large Pleistocene mammals from the Targowisko gravel pit – BSc Thesis, 2019
  • Magnetic susceptibility in the Upper Kimmeridgian–Lower Tithonian sediments of the Lower Sub-Tatric (Križna) succession in Tatra Mountains – BSc Thesis, 2018
  • Jurassic oceanic anoxic events – BSc Thesis, 2017
  • Radiolarites of the Western Tethys – BSc Thesis, 2017
  • Application of magnetic susceptibility (MS) record as paleo-climatic proxy – BSc Thesis, 2016
  • Black oaks from area between Cracow and Dębica – BSc Thesis, 2015
  • The inanimate nature of Raba valley from Dobczyce to Kłaj – MSc Thesis, 2014
  • The inanimate nature of the Białka river water gap at Krempachy with a concept of its exhibition for visitors – MSc Thesis, 2013
  • Sedimentation of Middle and Upper Jurassic radiolarites and limestones, Dolina Długa section, Križna Unit, Western Tatra Mts. – MSc Thesis, 2012
  • The depositional environment of the lower juassic spotty limestones in the Polish part of the Križna Unit, Western Tatra Mountains – MSc Thesis, 2010 & 2011
  • Numulitic Eocene between Chłabowski Stream and Białego Stream, Tatry Mountain – MSc Thesis, 2010
  • Eocene carbonate deposits between Ku Dziurze and Mała Łąka Valley, Western Tatra Mts. – MSc Thesis, 2009
  • The value of inanimate nature of the Mnikowska Valley region – MSc Thesis, 2008
  • Adnet Limestone - occurrence, genesis, and their use in the architecture of Krakow – BSc Thesis, 2008
  • Conservation of natural resources of the disappearing peat bog "Wielkie Błoto" in the Niepołomice Forest – BSc Thesis, 2008
  • Mining in the Western Tatra Mountains (Chochołowska and Kościeliska Valleys) – BSc Thesis, 2007
  • Dębnik limestone in the architecture of Kraków – BSc Thesis, 2007
  • Stratigraphy of Jurassic and Cretaceous formations of the Kriżniańska unit, Western Tatras – BSc Thesis, 2007
  • Sedimentation in the Tatricum and Faricum Basins during Lower-Middle Jurassic, Western Tatra Mountains, Poland-comparison – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Jurassic flora of Grójec clays – BSc Thesis, 2006