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Academic Achievements

  • 2019PhD
    • PhD of Earth Sciences at Faculty of Geography and Geology, Jagiellonian University
    • PhD thesis: "Sedmentological analysis of selected deposits of the Ropianka Formation (Upper Cretaceous – Paleocene) of the Skole Unit”
  • 2013Master degree
    • Master’s degree at Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, Jagiellonian University 
    • Master’s thesis "Characteristics of the Ropianka Formation (Upper Cretaceous – Paleocene) deposits of the Skole Unit in the area of Wola Rafałowska” 
  • 2011Bachelor degree
    • Bachelor’s degree at Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, Jagiellonian University

Professional Experience

  • From 2022 – Jagiellonian University; Position: Assistant Professor with a PhD 
  • 2019-2022 – Jagiellonian University; Position: Assistant with a PhD 
  • 2018-2019 – Jagiellonian University; Position: NCN DAINA grant recipient

Positions Held

From 2020 – Supervisor of the Scientific Organisation of Geologists Students of the Jagiellonan Unversity 

Awards and Honours

Ludwik Zejszner Award (Polish Geological Society) – 2019

Scientific Interests

  • sedimentary processes and mechanisms 
  • gravity flows and their deposits
  • sedimentology and facies analysis of deep water deposits  

Current Research

  • Heterolithic deposits in deep water setting
  • Coarse-grained deposits in Quarternaty inland dune deposits in Poland 
  • Sedimentary environment of deposits in the Polish Flysch Carpathians 
  • Hybrid flow deposits

Selected Scientific Publications

  • Łapcik, P., 2023. Transitional flow deposits on submarine lobe flank (Veřovice and Lhoty Fms, Albian - Cenomanian, Polish Outer Carpathians). Sedimentary Geology, 445: 106329.
  • Ninard, K., Stolarczyk, M., Łapcik, P. & Uchman, A., 2023. Buried Podzols as a pedostratigraphic marker for the Medieval Climatic Optimum: Grębociny soil in the dune deposits of the European Sand Belt. The Holocene
  • Ninard, K., Łapcik, P., Uchman, A., Stachacz, M., 2022. 3D sine wave-like geometry of soft sediment deformation structures: Possible record of the Late Pleistocene seismic activity over the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone. Terra Nova, 34: 54–61.
  • Łapcik, P., Ninard, K., Uchman, A., 2021. Extra-large grains in Late Glacial – Early Holocene aeolian inland dune deposits of cold climate, European Sand Belt, Poland: An evidence of hurricane-speed frontal winds. Sedimentary Geology, 105847.
  • Łapcik, P., 2019. Facies anatomy of a progradational submarine channelized lobe complex: semi-quantitative analysis of the Ropianka Formation (Campanian–Paleocene) in Hucisko Jawornickie section, Skole Nappe, Polish Carpathians. Acta Geologica Polonica, 69: 111–141.

International Experience

  • IAS Post-Doctoral Research Grants, Aberystwyth, Walia, UK, 2021
  • Grant NCN MAESTRO 4, fieldwork in provinces Guizhou and Quangxi in China, 2017

Organization and Participation in Scientific Conferences

  • Dni Nauk o Ziemi, Kraków, 2023co-leading a field trip 
  • IGCP-IUGS Western Tethys meets Eastern Tethys, Kraków, September, 2023 – oral presentation
  • 36th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Dubrovnik, June 2023 – poster
  • Dni Nauk o Ziemi, Kraków, 2022co-leading a field trip 
  • 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Praga, 2021 – oral presentation
  • Polish Sedimentological Congress POKOS 7, Góra Świętej Anny, 2018 – poster
  • LXXXV Congress of the Polish Geological Society, Koszalin, 2017 – poster 
  • 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology 2015, Kraków, 2015volunteering

Membership in Scientific Organizations 

  • Polish Geological Society 
  • International Association of Sedimentologists