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Artykuły w czasopismach z listy filadelfijskiego Instytutu Informacji Naukowej:

Borzęcka-Prokop, B.,Wesełucha-Birczyńska, A. & Koszowska, E., 2007. Micro- Raman, PXRD, EDS and microscopic investigation of magnesium calcite biomineral phases. The case of sea urchin biominerals. Journal of Molecular Structure,828: 80–90.

Bromley, R.G., Buatois, L.A., Genise, J.F., Labandeira, C.C., Mángano, M.G., Melchor, R.N., Schlirf, M. & Uchman, A., 2007. Comments on the paper "Reconnaissance of Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation ichnofossils, Rocky Mountain Region, USA: Paleoenvironmental, stratigraphic, and paleoclimatic significance of terrestrial and freshwater ichnocoenoses" by Stephen T. Hasiotis. Sedimentary Geology, 200: 141–150.

Cieszkowski M.,Golonka J., Waśkowska-Oliwa A. & Chodyń, R., 2007. Type locality of the Mutne Sandstone Mwmber of the Jaworzynka Formation, Western Outer Carpathians, Poland. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 77: 269–290.

Chmielarz,L., Kustrowski, P., Michalik, M., Dudek, B., Czajka M. & Dziembaj, R., 2007. Phlogophites intercalated with Al2O3 pillars and modified with transition metals as catalysts of the DeNOx process. Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 91: 369–378.

Gradziński, M., Hercman, H., Nowak, M. & Bella, P., 2007. Age of black coloured laminae within speleothems from Domica cave and its significance for dating of prehistoric human settlement. Geochronometria, 28: 39–45.

Koszowska, E., Wolska, A., Zuchiewicz, W., Cuong, N. Q., Pécskay, Z., 2007. Crustal contamination of Late Neogene basalts in the Dien Bien Phu Basin, NW Vietnam: some insights from petrological and geochronological studies. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 29, 1–17.

Kováč, M., Andreyeva-Grigorovich, A., Bajraktarević, Z., Brzobohatý, R., Filipescu, S., Fodor, L., Harzhauser, M., Oszczypko, N., Pavelić, D., Rögl, F., Saftić, B., Sliva L. & Studencka, B., 2007. Badenian evolution of the Central Parathethys sea:paleogeography, climate and eustatic sea level changes. Geologica Carpathica, 58, 6, 579–606.

Kubica, B., Kwiatek, W.M, Stobiński, M., Skiba, S., Skiba, M., Gołaś, J., Kubica, M., Tuteja-Krysa, M., Wrona, A., Misiak, R. & Krzan, Z., 2007. Concentrations of 137Cs, 40K Radionuclides and Some Heavy Metals in Soil Samples of Chochołowska Valley from Tatra National Park. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 16: 723–729.

Lewandowska, A., Banaś, M. & Zygoń, K., 2007. K-Ar dating of amphiboles from andesites of complex dyke in Dubie (Southern Poland). Geochronometria, 27: 11–15.

Li, Y.L., Wang C.S., Hu X.M., Bąk, M., Wang, J.J., & Chen, L., 2007. Characteristics of Early Eocene radiolarian assemblages of the Saga area, southern Tibet and their constraint on the closure history of the Tethys. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52: 2108–2114.

Rospondek, M.J., Marynowski, L. & Góra, M. 2007. Novel arylated polyaromatic thiophenes: phenylnaphtho[b]thiophenes and naphthylbenzo[b]thiophenes as markers of organic matter diagenesis buffered by oxidising solutions. Organic Geochemistry, 38: 1729–1756.

Skiba, M., 2007. Clay mineral formation during podzolisation in an alpine environment of the Tatra Mountains, Poland. Clays and Clay Minerals, 55: 529–545.

Szczepanik, P., Witkowska, M. & Sawłowicz Z., 2007. Geochemistry of Middle. Jurassic mudstones (Kraków-Częstochowa area, southern Poland): interpretation of the depositional redox conditions. Geological Quarterly. 51: 57–66.

Uchman, A.& Pervesler, P., 2007. Trace fossil Dactyloidites peniculus associated with a marine flooding surface in Pliocene deposits of the Stirone Valley. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 52: 799–808.

Uchman, A., 2007. Deep – Sea trace fossils from the mixed carbonate – Siliciclastic flysch of the Monte Antola Formation (Late Campanian-Maastrichtian), North Apennines, Italy. Cretaceous Research, 28: 980–1004.

Uchman, A., Gaigalas, A., Melešytė, M. & Kazauskas, V., 2007. Trace fossil Asthenopodichnium lithuanicum isp. nov. from the Late Neogene brown-coal deposits, Lithuania. Geological Quarterly, 50: 437–446.

Wetzel, A., Blechschmidt, I., Uchman, A. & Matter, A., 2007. Ahighly diverse ichnofauna in late Triassic deep – Sea fan deposits of Oman. Palaios, 22: 567–576.

Worobiec, A., Stefaniak, E.A., Potgieter-Vermak,. S., Sawłowicz, Z., Spolnik, Z. & Van Grieken, R., 2007. Characterization of concentrates of heavy mineral sands by micro-Raman spectrometry and CC – SEM/EDX with HCA. Applied Geochemistry, 22: 2078–2085.


W czasopismach recenzowanych polskich i zagranicznych:

Aubrecht, R., Méres, S., Gradziński, M. & Sýkora, M., 2007. Provenance of detritic garnets in the Middle Jurassic clastic sediments of the Cracow region. Mineralogical Society of Poland – Special Papers, 31: 4752.

Budzyń, B., Hetherington, C. J., Williams, M. L., Jercinovic, M. J., Dumond G. & Michalik M., 2007. Increased precision in microprobe monazite geochronology: implications for evolution of the crystalline rocks from the Silesian Ridge (Western Outer Carpathians, Poland). Mineralogical Society of Poland – Special Papers, 31: 81–84.

Budzyń, B., Hetherington, C.J., Williams, M.L., Jercinovic, M.J., Dumond, G. & Michalik, M., 2007. Application of electron beam techniques to provenance studies: textural studies of metamorphic pebbles from the Silesian Unit, Poland. Mineralogical Society of Poland – Special Papers, 30: 22–23.

Cieszkowski,M., Golonka, J., Waśkowska-Oliwa, A.& Chodyń, R., 2007. Type locality of the Mutne Sandstone Member of the Jaworzynka Formation, Western Outer Carpathians, Poland.Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae,77: 269–290.

Derkowski, A. & Michalik, M., 2007. Statistical approach to the transformation of fly ash to zeolite. Mineralogia Polonica, 38: 47–69.

Gedl, E., 2007.Lower Cretaceous dinocyst stratigraphy and palynofacies of the Grajcarek Unit, Pieniny Klippen Belt, West Carpathians, Poland. Studia Geologica Polonica, 127: 71–100.

Gedl, E., Kołodziej, B. & Uchman, A., 2007. The Muráň Limestone Member (Upper Hauterivian) of the Kościeliska Marl Formation, Polish Western Tatra Mts: dinocyst biostratigraphy and microfacies analysis. Studia Geologica Polonica, 127: 119–137.

Gradziński, M., 2007. Kenozoiczne słodkowodne osady węglanowe w Karpatach centralnych – przegląd wybranych zagadnień. Przegląd Geologiczny, 55: 951–954.

Gradziński, M., 2007. Przyroda nieożywiona Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego – istniejące problemy badawcze, zagrożenia, problemy ochrony. Prądnik, 17: 33–42.

Jach, R., 2007. Bositra limestones – a step towards radiolarites: case study from the Tatra Mountains. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 77: 161–170.

Jacher-Śliwczyńska, K., Leichman, J. & Sulovsky, P., 2007. Monazite from the High Tatra granitoids: chemistry and new U-Th-Pb dating using electron microprobe Cameca. Mineralogical Society of Poland – Special Papers, 30: 29.

Koszowska, E., Żukowski, W. & Haduch, E., 2007.State of preservation of bioapatites in bones from anthropological excavations in Southern Poland-preliminary results. Mineralogical Society of Poland – Special Papers, 31: 175–178.

Kusiak, M. A., Suzuki, K., Kachlík, V., Dunkley, D.J., & Budzyń, B., 2007. CHIME dating of monazite from Benešov-type granitoid, Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex. Mineralogical Society of Poland – Special Papers, 30: 40.

Morycowa, E., & Ślączka, A., 2007. Marian Książkiewicz (1906–1981): The 25th Anniversary of his death. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 77: 117–121.

Morycowa, E.& Masse J.-P., 2007. Actinaraeopsis ventosiana, a new sleractinian species from the Lower Cretaceous of Provence (SE France). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 77: 141–145.

Nawrocki, J., Lewandowska, A. & Fanning, M., 2007. Wiek izotopowy a wiek paleomagnetyczny ryodacytów z Zalasu koło Krakowa (S Polska). Przegląd Geologiczny, 55: 476–478.

Pióro, K., 2007. Wiek i paleośrodowisko depozycji górnokredowych utworów okolic Chełma i Rejowca w oparcu o zespoły otwornic. Budowa geologiczna regionu lubelskiego i problemy ochrony litosfery. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie- Skłodowskiej, Lublin, p. 57–62.

Szczepańska, M.& Witkowska, M., 2007. Surowce ilaste ceramiki budowlanej w dawnych ośrodkach wydobycia rud żelaza. Miesięcznik Wyższego Urzędu Górniczego, 6: 58–60.

Szulc, J., 2007. Trias tarzański i górnośląski. Stan badań. Przegląd Geologiczny, 55: 947–960.

Ślączka, A.& Morycowa, E., 2007. Professor Marian Książkiewicz Carpathian Geologist. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 77:105–115.

Ślączka, A., 2007. G. Wessely-Geologie der Oesterreichisen Bundeslander Niederoesterreich. Przegląd Geologiczny, 55: 363.

Uchman, A., 2007. Trace fossils of the Pagliaro Formation (Paleocene) in the North Apennines, Italy. Beringeria, 37: 217–237.

Uchman, A., Nemec, W., Ilgar, A. & Messina, C., 2007. Lacustrine trace fossils and environmental conditions in the Early Miocene Ermenek Basin, southern Turkey. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 77: 123–139.

Wilczyńska-Michalik, W.& Michalik, M., 2007: Electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry in the study of rock weathering zones in polluted urban atmosphere. Mineralogical Society of Poland – Special Papers, 30, p. 50.

Wolska, A., Koszowska, E., Badura, J. & Zuchiewicz, W., 2007. Zoned pyroxenes from Grodziec basanite (Legnica-Złotoryja-Jawor region, Lower Silesia, SW Poland). Mineralogical Society of Poland – Special Papers,31: 307–310.

Zasadni, J., 2007. Osady późnego glacjału i holocenu w dolinie Tuxer (Alpy Zillertalskie, Austria). Słupskie Prace Geograficzne, 4:171–190.

Zasadni, J., 2007. The Little Ice Age in the Alps: its record in glacial deposits and rock glacier formation. Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica, 41: 117–138.

Zych-Habel, B.& Michalik, M., 2007. The SEM-EDS method and the characterization of altered Strzeblów granite (Strzegom – Sobótka Massif). Mineralogical Society of Poland – Special Papers, 30: 52.

Zych-Habel, B., Chruściel, A. & Michalik, M., 2007. Primary and secondary accessory minerals in the Strzeblów granite (Fore Sudetic block). Mineralogical Society of Poland – Special Papers, 31: 323–326.



D'Alessandro, A. & Uchman, A., 2007. Bichordites andBichordites-Rosselia ichnoassemblages from the Lower Pleistocene Tursi Sandstone (southern Italy). In: Bromley, R.G., Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G., Genise, J.F. & Melchor, R.N. (eds), Sediment–Organism Interactions: A Multifaceted Ichnology. Society of Economic Palentologists and Mineralogists (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Special Publications, 88: 213–221.

Gradziński, M., Michalska, B., Wawryka, M. & Szelerewicz, M., 2007. Jaskinie Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego, Dolina Prądnika, Góra Koronna, Góra Okopy. Ojców, Ojcowski Park Narodowy, Muzeum im. Prof. Władysława Szafera, 122 pp.

Kotarba, M.J., Oszczepalski, S., Sawłowicz, Z., Speczik, S. & Więcław, D., 2007. Materia organiczna i jej rola w procesach złożotwórczych. In: Monografia KGHM Polska Miedź SA., Lubin, pp: 207–213.

Oszczypko, N., 2007. Tektonika brzeżnej części Karpat na SE od Tarnowa. In: Bujakowski, W. (ed.), Rozpoznanie geotermiczne anomalii w strefie nasunięcia karpackiego w rejonie Tarnów-Łękawica. Wydawnictwo IGSMiE PAN, Kraków, 43–50, 162–166.



Bachmann, G., Becker, A., Beutler, G., Geluk, M., Hagdorn, H., Hounslow, M., Nielsen, L., Nitsch, E., Roehling, H-G., Simon, Th., Szulc, J. & Warrinton, G., 2007. Triassic Stratigraphy, Facies, and Hydrocarbons of the Southern Permian Basin Area (SPBA). Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesselschaft fuer Geowissenschaften, H. 53: 45–47.

Bucur, I. I. & Kołodziej, B., 2007. Dense coral platystones form Late Aptian of South Carpathians, SW Romania. Abstracts of the9th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Sankt Petersburg, 12–16. 08. 2007, p. 25–26.

Bucur, I.I., Kołodziej, B. & Sǎsǎran, E., 2007. Coral facies from the Urgonian limestones in Romanian Carpathians. Examples from Rarău, Pădurea Craiului and Reşiţa zone. In: Filipescu S. & Bucur I. I. (eds), Annual Scientific Session "Ion Popescu Voitesti", Babes-Bolyai Uiversity, Cluj-Napoca, Programme and Abstracts, p. 13–15.

Budzyń, B., Hetherington, C.J., Williams, M.L., Jercinovic, M.J., & Michalik,M., 2007. Monazite stability as a function of the silicate mineral assemblage in the presence of fluid. Geophysical Research Abstracts,9, EGU2007-A-00100: 1–2.

Chmielarz, L., Czajka, M., Kuśtrowski, P., Dudek, B., Michalik, M. & Dziembaj, R., 2007. Krzemiany warstwowe jako baza do uzyskiwania mikro i mezoporowatych katalizatorów dla procesu DeNOx. 50 Jubileuszowy Zjazd PTChem i SIiTPCh, Toruń 2007, Materiały Konferencyjne, p. 172.

Chmielarz, L., Kuśtrowski, P., Dudek, B., Michalik, M., Piwowarska, Z. & Dziembaj, R., 2007. Cationic layered clays as a base for synthesis of DeNOx catalysts. International Sympodium on Air and Water Pollution Abatment, Zakopane 2007, p. 71–72.

Chmielarz, L., Kuśtrowski, P., Michalik, M., Dudek, B., Czajka, M. & Dziembaj, R., 2007. Phlogophites intercalated with Al2O3 pillars and modified with transition metals as catalysts of the DeNOx process. Reactions Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 91: 369–378.

Chmielarz, L., Kuśtrowski, P., Michalik, M., Dudek, B., Piwowarska, Z. & Dziembaj, R., 2007. Flogopity i wermikulity interkalowane Al2O3 w roli katalizatorów procesów redukcji NO amoniakiem oraz selektywnego utleniania NH3. XXXIX Ogólnopolskie Kolokwium Katalityczne, Kraków,p. 201–202.

Chmielarz, L., Piwowarska, Z., Kuśtrowski, P., Michalik, M., Dudek, B. & Dziembaj, R., 2007. Naturalne wermikulity jako podstawa katalizatorów procesu selektywnego utleniania amoniaku. XIV Forum Zeolitowe, p. 315–320.

Gradziński, M., Duliński, M., Hercman, H., Żywiecki, M. & Baryła, J., 2007. Cave development influence by hydrocarbon oxidation. Aragonit, 12: 129.

Gradziński, M., Duliński, M., Motyka, J., Czop, M. & Mrozińska, T., 2007. Growth of calcite rafts in a cold water spring. In: 13th Bathurst Meeting of Carbonate Sedimentologists. 16–18 July 2007. Abstract Book. University of East Anglia, Norwich, p. 72.

Gradziński, M., Lewandowska, A., Paszkowski, M., Duliński, M., Żywiecki, M., Nawrocki, J., Krygier, J. & Litwinowicz, R., 2007. Permski wulkanogeniczny kras antykliny Debnika – wstępne wyniki badań. In: Stefaniak, K., Szelerewicz, M. & Urban, J. (eds), Materiały 41. Sympozjum Speleologicznego, Kletno 18–21.10.2007 r. Sekcja Speleologiczna PTP im. Kopernika, Kraków, p. 51.

Hagdorn, H., Łabaj, M., Matysik, M., Morycowa, E. & Szulc, J., 2007. Fieldtrip Guide. Stop I. 2. Tarnów Opolski - active quarry of Opolwap-Lhoist. Internatonal Workshop on the Triassic of southern Poland, p. 46–52.

Hagdorn, H., Łabaj, M., Matysik, M., Morycowa, E. & Szulc, J., 2007. Fieldtrip Guide. Stop I. 7. Kamień Sląski - active quarry of Opolwap-Lhoist. Internatonal Workshop on the Triassic of southern Poland, p. 57–58.

Ivanov, M., Idakieva, V., Kołodziej, B. & Zlatarski, V., 2007. Scleractinian assemblages and bioconstructions from Urgonian complex of Central Northern Bulgaria. Abstracts of the9th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Sankt Petersburg, 12–16. 08. 2007, p. 45–45.

Jerzykowska, I., Michalik, M. & Drewnik, M., 2007. Accessory minerals in podzolic soils in The Tatra Mts.: weathering microtextures and stability order. Mineralogia Polonica – Special Papers, 30: 33–34

Kajdas, B.& Michalik, M., 2007. Hydrothermal and weathering processes in the Karkonosze granite from Straconka hill (Jelenia Góra Basin, Poland). Mineralogia Polonica – Special Papers, 31: 155–158

Kajdas, B., Michalik, M., 2007. Ti-bearing minerals in the Karkonosze granite from Straconka hill near Jelenia Góra. Mineralogia Polonica – Special Papers, 30: 35.

Kaminski, M. A., Uchman, A., Neagu, T. & Cetean, C.G., 2007. A larger agglutinated foraminifer originally described as a marine plant: the case of Arthrodendron Ulrich, 1904 (Foraminifera), its synonyms and homonyms. In: Krzymińska, J. (ed.), 6th Polish Micropalaeontological Workshop „MIKRO–2007", Gdansk, 18–20 June, Abstracts. Polish Geological Institute, Gdańsk, p. 33–34.

Kasina, M.& Michalik, M., 2007. Kaolinization processes in sandstones of the Cracow Sandstones Series (Upper Silesia Coal Basin). Mineralogia Polonica – Special Papers, 30: 36–37.

Kasina, M.& Michalik, M., 2007. Mineralogical composition of fresh slag. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 03643, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607–7962/gra/EGU2007-A-03643. European Geosciences Union 2007.

Kasina, M.& Michalik, M., 2007. Procesy diagenetyczne piaskowców krakowskiej serii piaskowcowej. Geosympozjum młodych badaczy Silesia, 2007; Współczesne trendy w Naukach o Ziemii, p. 89–100.

Kasina, M.& Michalik, M., 2007. The influence of cooling condition on mineral and chemical composition of fresh slag. Mineralogia Polonica – Special Papers, 31: 36–37.

Kędzierski, M., Rodríguez-Tovar, F. J. & Uchman, A., 2007. Vertical displacement of nannofossils by bioturbation at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary at Caravaca section, SE Spain. Qinta Reunión Argentina de Icnología y Tercera Reunión de Icnología der MERCOSAUR, Resúmenes, 28 al 30 de Marzo de 2007, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Laboratorio de Geología Andina CADIC-CONICET, Ushuaia, p. 21.

Kołodziej, B.& Bucur, I.I., 2007. Early Cretaceous record of coral-microendoliths live-association. Abstracts of the9th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Sankt Petersburg, 12–16. 08. 2007,p. 53–54.

Kołodziej, B., Bucur, I.I., Idakieva, V., Ivanov, M. & Zlatarski, V., 2007. Paleoekologia wczesnokredowych koralowców i raf: przykłady z Bułgarii i Rumunii. XX Konferencja Paleobiologów i Biostratygrafów PTG, Święta Katarzyna, 10–13. 09. 2007, p. 70–71.

Kołodziej, B., Idakieva, V., Ivanov, M. & Zlatarski, V., 2007. Coral growth forms and growth-interruptions in turbid-water bioconstructions: examples form Lower Cretaceous, Bulgaria. Abstracts of the9th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Sankt Petersburg, 12–16. 08. 2007,p. 54–55.

Lewandowska, A.& Rospondek, M., 2007. Late Carboniferous - early Permian magmatic rocks of the Kraków area, southern Poland. Vents 2007. Turnov. Acta Musei Turnoviensis, 2: 15–16.

Morycowa, E. & Szulc, J., 2007. Environmental controls on the growth forms of one of the first scleractinian buildups (Middle Triassic), Silesian Region, Poland). X International Congress on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, 12–16 August, St. Petersburg, Russia, Abstracts, p. 64.

Morycowa, E.& Szulc, J., 2007. Environmental controls on the growth forms of the one of the first scleractinian buildups (Middle Triassic, Silesian region, Poland). X International Congress on fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, St. Petersburg, August 12–16, 2007.

Oszczypko, N.& Jurewicz, E., 2007. New data on the evolution of the Pieniny Klippen Belt suture zone (Western Carpathians, Poland. Abstract Volume of the 8th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies, Davos/Switzerland, 10–12.October 2007: L 59–60.

Oszczypko-Clowes, M.& Oszczypko, N., 2007. The Paleogene-Early Miocene paleogeography of the Magura Basin (Western Outer Carpathians). Abstract Volume of the 8th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies, Davos/Switzerland, 10–12.October 2007: 60–61.

Pióro, K., 2007. Mastrichtian foraminiferal assemblages from the Chełm and rejowiec section (Lublin Upland, Eastern Poland). 6th Polish Micropalaeontological Workshop. Mikro–2007,p. 56; June 18- 20. Gdańsk.

Roniewicz, E. & Morycowa, E., 2007. An overview of scleractinian corals in Poland. Congress on fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, St. Petersburg, August 12–16, 2007.

Stworzewicz, E., Pokryszko, B.M., Szulc, J., 2007. New data on Paleozoic continental gastropods from Poland: Sedimentary and evolutionary context. Abstracts of the World Congress of Malacology, Antwerp, Belgium, 15–20 July 2007, p. 216–217.

Szulc, J., 2007. Fieldtrip Guide. In: Szulc, J & Becker, A. (eds), Pan-European Correlation of the Epicontinental Triassic, 4th Meeting, p. 44–62.

Szulc, J., 2007. Paleogeography and stratigraphy of the Middle Triassic in Central Europe. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesselschaft fuer Geowissenschaften, H., 53: 250.

Szulc, J., 2007. Roet, Muschelkalk and Keuper. In: Szulc, J & Becker, A. (eds), Pan-European Correlation of the Epicontinental Triassic, 4th Meeting, p. 17 – 41.

Szulc, J., 2007. Sponge-microbial stromatolites and coral – Sponge reef recovery in the Triassic of the Western Tethys Domain. In: Lucas, S. & Spielmann,J. (eds), The Global Triassic. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 41: 402.

Szulc, J., 2007. Structural setting of the Germanic Triassic and problems with its stratigraphical setup. A preface. In: Szulc, J & Becker, A. (eds). Pan-European Correlation of the Epicontinental Triassic, 4th Meeting, p. 5–6

Szulc, J., 2007. Tectonic controls of high frequency sedimentary cycles in the Upper Triassic Dachstein platform carbonates, Northern Calcareous Alps. In: Lucas, S. & Spielmann, J. (eds), The Global Triassic. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 41: 403.

Uchman, A.& Pervesler, P., 2007. Ichnofabrics in a Pliocene high – Stand system tract deposit of the Stirone section, Po Basin, Italy. Qinta Reunión Argentina de Icnología y Tercera Reunión de Icnología der MERCOSAUR, Resúmenes, 28 al 30 de Marzo de 2007, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Laboratorio de Geología Andina CADIC-CONICET, Ushuaia, p. 33.

Uchman, A.& Steel, R., 2007. Trace fossils in shelf-margin clinoforms: an example from the Central Basin of Spitsbergen. Qinta Reunión Argentina de Icnología y Tercera Reunión de Icnología der MERCOSAUR, Resúmenes, 28 al 30 de Marzo de 2007, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Laboratorio de Geología Andina CADIC-CONICET, Ushuaia, p. 34.

Uchman, A., 2007. Zmiany głębokowonych skamieniałości śladowych w fanerozoiku. In: Żylinska, A. (ed.), Granice Paleontologii, XX Konferencja Naukowa Paleobiologów i Biostratygrafów Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego, Św. Katarzyna pod Łysica, 10–13 września 2007, Materiały Konferencyjne. Wydział Geologii UW, Warszawa, p. 28–29.

Uchman, A., Gaigalas, A. & Kazakauskas, V., 2007. Trace fossils from Pleistocene lacustrine varve clays in some localities of Lithuania. Limneology: tales of an evolving Earth, 4th International Limneology Congress, ILIC 2007, Barcelona, Programme and abstract book. Planetearth, Earth Sciences for Society, Barcelona, p. 42.

Uchman, A., Ilgar, A.,Messina, C. & Nemec, W., 2007. Trace fossils in the Early Miocene lacustrine deposits of the Ermenek Basin, southern Turkey. Limneology: tales of an evolving Earth, 4th International Limneology Congress, ILIC 2007, Barcelona, Programme and abstract book. Planetearth, Earth Sciences for Society, Barcelona, p. 48.

Uchman, A., Rodríguez-Tovar, F. & Bąk, K., 2007. Ichnofabrics of the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event deep – Sea sediments: A record from the Polish Outer Carpathians. In: Zonneveld, J.-P. & Gingras, M.K. (eds), IX International Ichnofabric Workshop, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 12–19, 2007, Abstracts with Program. Calgary, pp. 69–70.

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