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Courses – Academic Year 2024/25

  • Regional geology of Poland – lectures
  • Palaeobiology – seminar
  • Principles of palaeontology – exercises
  • Introduction to stratigraphy – seminar, lectures
  • Selected issues in historical geology – seminar
  • Fieldwork: Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mts
  • Diploma (licencjat) workshop – workshop/laboratory class

Teaching Experience – Theses Supervision

  • Supervisor: 6 MSc Thesis, 6 BSc Thesis

Topics of Theses Supervised

  • Analysis of hardgrounds of the Muschelkalk of Opole Silesia and Cracow-Częstochowa Upland – MSc Thesis, 2020
  • Siliciclastic middle Miocene depostis of the Szydłów region: stratigraphy, paleontology and enviroment of sedimentation – BSc Thesis, 2019
  • Bioerosion of shells of Muschelkalk in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland – BSc Thesis, 2019
  • Ichnology of the Paleozoic of the Holy Cross Mountains - the current state of knowledge – BSc Thesis, 2018
  • Carbonaceus and clastic miocene facies in Pińczów and Korytnica. Paleoecological analysis – MSc Thesis, 2017
  • Miocene rocky coast on the southern margin of the Holy Cross Mountains, the example of Gołuchów and Skotniki – MSc Thesis, 2017
  • Selected geological exposures with fossils of the lower paleozoic within the paleozoic stem of the Holy Cross Mountains – BSc Thesis, 2017
  • Origin and evolution of Scotia and Sandwich plates; influence of openning of Drake Passage on a climate – BSc Thesis, 2016
  • Paleonvironmental and taphonomic interpretation of coastal Miocene sediments in the Chmielnik and Busko-Zdrój area – MSc Thesis, 2015
  • Palaeontological and facies analysis of the Middle Miocene deposits of Sandomierz area – MSc Thesis, 2015
  • Palaeontological analysis of Miocene muddy facies in central and southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep – MSc Thesis, 2015
  • Lithological and paleontological specimens from Polish Miocene in the Geological Sciences Institute of Jagiellonian University collections – BSc Thesis, 2015