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Leadership and Participation in Research Projects

  • 2018-2020 – "Cesium interaction with di-octahedral swelling layer phyllosilicates with high charge"
  • 2017-2020 – 2016/23/B/ST10/02000 "Weathering mechanisms of glauconite in soils of temperate climate"
  • 2010-2013 – NCN research project No. N 305 379238 "Formation and evolution mechanisms of dioctahedral vermiculite in geological environments – experimental study" – project leader
  • 2004-2006 – Research project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 2P04G 117 27 "Origin of fine-crystalline mica (illite) in podzolic soils of the Tatra Mountains, based on profiles developed at Krzyżne Pass" – project leader
  • 2002-2003 – KBN research project No. 3 PO4D 026 23 "Transformation of primary minerals of crystalline rocks in soil-forming processes, based on podzolic soils of the Tatra Mountains (Orthic Podzols)" – project leader
  • 2000-2001 – KBN research project No. 6 PO4G 057 19 "Mineralogical-geochemical indicators of air pollution in the Tatra Mountains" – project leader