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Leadership of Research Projects

  • "Seeking the missing time: paleoenvironmental significance of hiatuses in cave formations", National Science Centre, 2020–2023
  • "Damaged cave formations as a record of seismic activity in the Central Western Carpathians", National Science Centre, 2018–2021
  • "Analysis of factors determining the growth of contemporary calcareous tufa based on studies of underground and surface sections of selected streams in southern Slovakia", Ministry of Science and Higher Education/National Science Centre, 2011–2014
  • "High-resolution reconstruction of paleoclimatic conditions of the late glacial and Holocene based on analyses of stable isotope and trace element compositions in calcareous tufa profiles in a north-south transect through Poland and Slovakia", Ministry of Science and Higher Education/National Science Centre, 2010–2013
  • "Reconstruction of facies development and growth chronology of pre-Holocene travertines in selected sites in northern Slovakia", Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 2006–2009
  • "Sedimentological study of contemporary travertines in examples from Slovakia and Poland," Scientific Research Committee, 2001–2004
  • "Microbial genesis of coated grains growing in cave environments", Scientific Research Committee, 1998–2000
  • "Causes of variability in calcareous sinter deposits in the caves of the Western Tatras and the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland", Scientific Research Committee, 1993–1994