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Courses – Academic Year 2024/25

  • Physical geology – lecture
  • Quaternary geology – lecture
  • Art of Presentation – seminar, lecture
  • Fieldwork: physical geology of the Silesian & Cracow region
  • Diploma (magister) workshop – practical exercises
  • Diploma (licencjat) workshop – workshop/laboratory class

Teaching Experience – Theses Supervision

Supervisor: 3 PhD Thesis (+ 2 in progress), 26 MSc Thesis, 18 BSc Thesis

Topics of Theses Supervised

  • Evolution of a travertine building and constructional cave in Bojnice (Slovakia) – MSc Thesis, 2023
  • Hiatuses in cave speleothems – types, genesis, and paleoenvironmental significance – PhD Thesis, 2023
  • Water chemistry from aeration zone in the protected (Ojców National Park) and urban area (Kraków) – MSc Thesis, 2023
  • Tufas of the Szklarka Valley – BSc Thesis, 2022
  • Coarse-crystalline pinkish decorative calcite in the historic buildings of Kraków – BSc Thesis, 2022
  • Calcareous tufa between Raba and Dunajec rivers – BSc Thesis, 2022
  • Carbonate deposits of carbonated mineral water springs of polish Carpathians – BSc Thesis, 2021
  • Reconstruction of paleoenvironmental conditions during the Vistulian period based on the analysis of cave speleothems from the Demänovský Cave System (Low Tatras) – PhD Thesis, 2019
  • Carbonate speleothems in old cellars in Frydman (Polish Spisz region) – MSc Thesis, 2018
  • Factors influencing the growth of contemporary limestone tufas based on research conducted on underground and surface sections of selected streams in southern Slovakia – PhD Thesis, 2016
  • Travertine facies from Čerená hill (Liptov, Slovakia) – MSc Thesis, 2016
  • Calcareous tufa in historic gravestones at the Rakowicki Cemetery in Kraków – BSc Thesis, 2016
  • Calcareous tufa in the Będkowska Valley – BSc Thesis, 2016
  • Calcareous tufas of Cieszyn region – BSc Thesis, 2016
  • Moulding sands in surroundings of Częstochowa – BSc Thesis, 2016
  • Modern pollen grains in Wierzchowska Górna Cave – MSc Thesis, 2015
  • Chemistry of water in Kryspinowska Cave – MSc Thesis, 2015
  • Modern oncoids in selected streams of the Slovak Karst – MSc Thesis, 2014
  • Corrosional structures in Upper Jurassic massive limestone in selected areas of the Ojców National Park – MSc Thesis, 2014
  • Sedimentary environment and age of calcareous tufas in Hrhov and Gombasek (Slovak Karst) – MSc Thesis, 2013
  • Environment of sedimentation and the age of calcareous tufa from Háj (Slovak Karst) – MSc Thesis, 2013
  • Vegetation influence on inanimated nature of Ojców National Park – MSc Thesis, 2013
  • Quaternary conglomerates from Kwaczała – MSc Thesis, 2012
  • Kras hydrogeology in low segment of Jánska valley, Low Tatras, Slovakia – MSc Thesis, 2012
  • Microfacies of speleothems from Brestovska Cave (Western Tatras, Slovakia) – MSc Thesis, 2011
  • Growth dynamic of the modern travertines in the light of water chemistry in the area of Vyšné Ružbáchy (Spiš, Slovakia) – MSc Thesis, 2010
  • Speleogenesis of the Ciemna and Nietoperzowa caves in the Cracow Uppland – MSc Thesis, 2010
  • Age and origin of the tufa in the Sąspowska Valley – MSc Thesis, 2010
  • Sedimentology and palaeoecology of Callovian deposits in Zalas and Młynka quarries – MSc Thesis, 2009
  • Facies of pre-Holocene travertines in Ružbachy (Spis, Slovakia) – MSc Thesis, 2009
  • Carbonate internal sediments of the Permian karst forms in the Dębnik Anticline – MSc Thesis, 2009
  • Travetrine facies in Žehra quarry, Dreveník hill – MSc Thesis, 2009
  • Geology of the Upper Sub-Tatric Nappe between the Lejowa and Chochołowska valleys – MSc Thesis, 2009
  • Malacofauna from cave sediments of the Prądnik Valley – BSc Thesis, 2009
  • Contemporary karst flows in the Bystrej watershed in the Polish Tatra Mountains – BSc Thesis, 2008
  • Hydrogeology of Krakow – BSc Thesis, 2008
  • Origin and evolution caves of Sokola Mountain – MSc Thesis, 2007
  • Development of contemporary karren features based on examples from Ojcowski National Park – MSc Thesis, 2007
  • Development of contemporary karren features using examples from the Racławka Valley – MSc Thesis, 2007
  • Contemporary karst flows in the Chochołowska Valley – BSc Thesis, 2007
  • Chemistry of waters in the vadose zone – BSc Thesis, 2007
  • Rock terraces in the Sąspowska Valley – BSc Thesis, 2007
  • Speleogenesis of the Mietusia Wyżnia Cave – MSc Thesis, 2006
  • Influence of microorganisms on travertine formation – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Holocene malacofauna in carbonate sediments of the Kraków Upland – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Contemporary karst flows in the Kościeliska Valley – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Pre-Holocene mammal fauna in cave sediments of the Kraków Upland – BSc Thesis, 2006