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Courses – Academic Year 2024/25

  • Geological cartography – lectures and exercises
  • Geological mapping – lectures and exercises
  • Geotourism – seminar
  • Programming in Earth Sciences – workshops
  • Fieldwork: Geological mapping
  • Diploma (magister) workshop – practical exercises
  • Diploma (licencjat) workshop – workshop/laboratory class

Teaching Experience – Theses Supervision

Supervisor: 2 MSc Thesis, 3 BSc Thesis

Topics of Theses Supervised

  • The use of a high-resolution digital terrain model in the study of the correlation of terrain morphology with geological structure on the example of Babia Góra – BSc Thesis, 2023
  • Rock formations along Opportunity's traverse (Meridiani Planum, Mars) – BSc Thesis, 2023
  • Geotouristic values of the polonyna Wetlinska range – BSc Thesis, 2023
  • Geological and geomorphological causes of landslides formation within Podzamcze fold between Kołaczyce and Moderówka (Polsh flysch Carpathians) – MSc Thesis, 2022
  • Geological structure of the Magura Nappe between Kuków and Sucha Beskidzka–Błądzonka (Beskid Makowski) – MSc Thesis, 2021