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Courses – Academic Year 2024/25

  • Physical geology – lecture
  • Geological project – seminar
  • Geology of the Carpathians – lecture
  • Fieldwork: the Flysch Carpathians – fieldwork classes
  • Geological wellsite services – fieldwork classes
  • Volunteer project – class
  • Magister laboratory class – workshop/laboratory class
  • Diploma (magister) workshop – practical exercises
  • Diploma (licencjat) workshop – workshop/laboratory class

Teaching Experience – Theses Supervision

Supervisor: 1 PhD Thesis, 11 MSc Thesis,  20 BSc Thesis

Topics of Theses Supervised

  • Micropaleontological analysis of Jaśniny miocene deposits in Carpathian Foredeep, based on calcareous nanofossils – MSc Thesis, 2020
  • Optical laser scanning in geological research of the Kotlina Sądecka basin – MSc Thesis, 2019
  • Coccolith biostratigraphy based on archival assemblages of Miocene deposits from Gdów tectonic embayment of Polish Carpathian Foredeep – BSc Thesis, 2019
  • Applying selected statistical methods in micropaleontological research on calcareous nannofossils – BSc Thesis, 2019
  • Paleogene levels of correlation External Flysch Carpathians – BSc Thesis, 2019
  • Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Machów Formation in the Ryszkowa Wola ridge area (Sieniawa-Rudka region) in the Polish part of the Sub-Carpathian Depression based on calcareous nanofossils – PhD Thesis, 2018
  • Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Miocene deposits based on foraminifera (Jaśniny area Carpathian Foredeep, Poland) – MSc Thesis, 2018
  • Foraminiferal and coccolith biostratigraphy of paleogene and neogene of Nowy Sącz area (Bystrica subunit, Magura Nappe) – BSc Thesis, 2017
  • Balanced cross section as a tool in the tectonic interpretation on the basis of the Polish Flysch Carpathians – BSc Thesis, 2017
  • Geological structure and mass muvements Jaworzyna Krynicka range (between Szczawnik, Powroźnik and Leluchów) – BSc Thesis, 2017
  • Geological structure and mineral waters of Muszyna – BSc Thesis, 2015
  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis of sediments in Ropa tectonic window (Grybów Unit) based on calcareous nannofossils – MSc Thesis, 2014
  • Calcareous nannofossil analyses of Magura Paleogene in peri Pieniny Klippen Belt (Huba) – MSc Thesis, 2013
  • The age and stratigraphic position of the Formation from Stare Bystre based on calcareous nanofossils (Magura Nappe) – MSc Thesis, 2013
  • Paleoecological analyses of Late Eocene-Oligocene sediments belonging to Siary Unit (Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians) – MSc Thesis, 2010
  • Coccolith biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Malcov Formation in the Leluchów area (Magura Nappe, Krynica Subunit, Polish Outer Carpathians) – MSc Thesis, 2009
  • Coccolith biostratigraphy and paleoecology of Machów Formation in Stobierna-3 and Stobierna-4 boreholes (Carpathian Foredeep) – MSc Thesis, 2009
  • Szczawnica the geological structure and mineral waters – BSc Thesis, 2009
  • Miocene - fauna from Korytnica area – BSc Thesis, 2009
  • Geological structure and fossils of the Babia Góra range vicinity – BSc Thesis, 2008
  • Geological structure and the mineral waters of Rabka – BSc Thesis, 2008
  • Wind erosional activity based on the example of the Błędowska Desert – BSc Thesis, 2008
  • Geological structure of the Wiśniowa tectonic window – BSc Thesis, 2008
  • Coccolith biostratigraphy of the Zgłobice Unit in the Wojnicz area – MSc Thesis, 2007
  • Litho- and biostratigraphy of the Grajcarka unit – BSc Thesis, 2007
  • Geological structure and the mineral waters of Szczawa – BSc Thesis, 2007
  • Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Maruszyńska Shale – BSc Thesis, 2007
  • Correlation levels of the external Flysch Carpathians. Jasło Shales – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Biostratigraphy of sediments in the Sub-Carpathian Depression – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Correlation levels of the external Flysch Carpathians. Globigerina Marls – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Paleoecological conditions of Paleogene coccoliths – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Litho- and biostratigraphy of the Zakopane Beds in the Koscielisko area (Podhale Trough) – MSc Thesis, 2005