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Academic Achievements

  • 2019University Professor at Jagiellonian University
  • 2013Habilitation
    • Postdoctoral degree in natural sciences, specializing in Earth Sciences with a discipline of geology, Jagiellonian University
    • Habilitation thesis: "Identification of new aryl derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their application as molecular indicators of diagenetic processes in sedimentary rocks"
  • 1998 PhD
    • Doctoral degree in Earth Sciences with a discipline in geology, Jagiellonian University
    • PhD thesis topic: "Organic sulfur compounds, thiophene derivatives, in the Copper Shale of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline"
  • 1990Master's degree
    • Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, Institute of Geological Sciences, Section of Geochemistry and Mineralogy
    • Thesis topic: "Volcanics in conglomerates of the Lower Cambrian from the Będkowska Valley (boreholes WB-58, DB-5)"

Professional Experience

Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University

Positions Held

  • Chair of the Recruitment Committee for the Geology Second Degree Program since 2020
  • Member of the Recruitment Committee for the Geology Second Degree Program since 2007
  • Member of the Program Council for Geology
  • Member of the Discipline Council for Earth Science and Environment since 2019
  • Member of the Expert Team in the field of Natural Sciences and Technology at the National Science Centre in 2014
  • Supervisor and creator of the Organic Geochemistry Laboratory until 2021
  • Supervisor of the Petrographic Microscopy Laboratory until 2015
  • Supervisor of the Sample Preparation Laboratory until 2015
  • Academic Supervisor of the Geological Students' Scientific Circle at Jagiellonian University from 1990 to 2015
  • Supervisor of the Computer Laboratory from 1994 to 2000

Awards and Honours

  • 2021 – 3rd degree collective Rector's award from Jagiellonian University
  • 2018/2019 – Recognition from the Insitute's Leader Team for Quality Improvement of Prof. Dr. Hab. Alfred Uchman for the master's thesis "Organic Geochemistry of Mud Sediments from Golestan" by Kinga Wencel under the supervision of Dr. Hab. Mariusz Rospondek
  • 2018 – Mentorship of Krzysztof Białon's master's thesis nominated for the "Geotalent" National Award
  • 2018 – Appreciation for contributing mineral and rock specimens from domestic and international deposits to the Geological Department Collection of the Natural Education Centre
  • 2017/2018 – 3rd degree collective Rector's award from Jagiellonian University for educational and organizational achievements
  • 2013 – Recognition of Jagiellonian University's Geological students in the categories of "Best Friend" and "Best Practitioner"
  • 2011/2012 – 3rd degree collective Rector's award from Jagiellonian University
  • 2009/10 – 2nd degree collective Rector's award from Jagiellonian University
  • 2008/09 – 1st degree collective Rector's award from Jagiellonian University
  • 2003/04 – 2nd degree collective Rector's award from Jagiellonian University
  • 1999 – 1st degree individual Rector's award from Jagiellonian University

Scientific Interests

  • Organic matter in sedimentary rocks
  • Biomarkers
  • Organic matter in metal deposits
  • Organic sulfur compounds
  • Petrography of sedimentary rocks

Current Research

Identification of new groups of aromatic hydrocarbons in sedimentary rocks

Selected Scientific Publications

  • Kluska, B., Rospondek, M., Marynowski, L. & Schaeffer, P., 2013. The Werra cyclotheme (Upper Permian, Fore-Sudetic Monocline, Poland): insights into fluctuations of the sedimentary environment from organic geochemical studies. Applied Geochemistry, 29: 73–91.
  • Szczerba, M. & Rospondek, M., 2010. Controls on distributions of methylphenanthrenes in sedimentary rock extracts: critical evaluation of existing geochemical data from molecular modelling. Organic Geochemistry, 41(12): 1297–1311.
  • Rospondek, M.J., Marynowski, L., Chachaj, A. & Góra, M., 2009. Novel aryl polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Phenylphenanthrene and phenylanthracene identification, occurrence and distribution in sedimentary rocks. Organic Geochemistry, 40(9): 986–1004.
  • Rospondek, M.J., Marynowski, L. & Góra, M., 2007. Novel arylated polyaromatic thiophenes: phenylnaphtho[b]thiophenes and naphthylbenzo[b]thiophenes as markers of organic matter diagenesis buffered by oxidising solutions. Organic Geochemistry, 38(10): 1729–1756.
  • Köster, J., Rospondek, M., Schouten, S., Kotarba, M., Zubrzycki, A. & Sinninghe Damsté, J.S., 1998. Biomarker geochemistry of a foreland basin: the Oligocene Menilite Formation in the Flysch Carpathians of Southeast Poland. Organic Geochemistry, 29(13): 649–669.

International Experience

  • 2013 – One-month scientific and didactic internship in geochemistry at the University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • 2004 – One-month internship in geochemistry at the University of Salzburg, Austria
  • 1997 – Three-month internship in organic geochemistry at the Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
  • 1994/95 – One-year scholarship and participation in the PIONIER project, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NIOZ, Netherlands
  • 1994 – Six-month internship in isotopic geochemistry at University College Dublin, Ireland
  • 1993 – One-year scientific internship in organic geochemistry, Utrecht University & Delft Technical University, Netherlands

Organization and Participation in Scientific Conferences

  • 2009 – Volcanic systems within the European Permocarboniferous intermontane basins and their basement, Bohemia – Lusatia – Silesia, VENTS4
  • 2007/2008 – Organization of the First Polish Geological Congress, Krakow 26-28 December 2008
  • 1989 – Participation in the organization of the International Conference, "Thethian Cretaceous Correlation" IGCP 262
  • Active and passive participation in about 50 international and national conferences

Membership in Scientific Organizations

  • Polish Geological Society
  • Polish Mineralogical Society
  • European Association of Organic Geochemists

Editorial Membership in Scientific Journals

Editorial Board of Special Issues of the Polish Mineralogical – VENTS 4, Miękinia 2009