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Leadership and Participation in Research Projects

  • National Science Centre, Course of environmental cycles and biological rhythms under environmental stress as recorded in shells of Muschelkalk limestone bivalves, 2022-2025scientific supervisor
  • Excellence Intiative, Jagiellonian University, Influence of environmental factors on the biomineralization process of bivalve shells - imaging and morphometric analysis of the microstructure, 2023investigator
  • Excellence Intiative, Jagiellonian University, Sclerochronology of bivalve shells in environmental studies, 2022-2023 investigator
  • National Science Centre, The Catalogue of 14th- to 16th-century Icons in the Collection of the National Museum in Cracow, 2015-2019investigator
  • National Science Centre, Palaeoceanographic model of the northern Tethys margin at the Campanian-Mastrichtian boundary, 2015-2018project manager
  • Scientific Research Committee, The genesis of cyclic Turonian and Coniacian sedimentation of the Opole Trough, 2000-2001project manager