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Courses – Academic Year 2024/25

  • Mass extinctions in the Earth history – lecture
  • Micropaleontology – lecture, exercises
  • The Earth-Life system evolution through the time – lecture
  • Magister seminar
  • Diploma (magister) workshop – practical exercises

Teaching Experience – Theses Supervision

Supervisor: 25 MSc Thesis, 22 BSc Thesis

Topics of Theses Supervised

  • Ways of biomineralization in selected bivalve species – MSc Thesis, 2023
  • Analysis of material from Krasiejów Metoposaurus bone breccia – MSc Thesis, 2023
  • Analysis of the thickness of Arctica islandica shell growth – BSc Thesis, 2023
  • Analysis of skull morphology of Metoposaurus krasiejowensis using GIS tools – MSc Thesis, 2022
  • Anthropocene as a new Epoch of geological time — A critical analysis – BSc Thesis, 2022
  • Calcareous nannoplankton assemblages from turbidites and interturbidites of Kropiwnik fucoid marls – MSc Thesis, 2021
  • Analysis of material from Krasiejów Metoposaurus bone breccia – MSc Thesis, 2021
  • Origin of mud brick material from archaeological site Tel Erani in Israel base on the sedimentological-petrographic analysis – MSc Thesis, 2021
  • Campanian nannofossil assemblages of the Wolbrom vicinity – MSc Thesis, 2021
  • Evolution of views on the functional morphology of dinosaurs exemplified by Spinosaurus aegyptiacus Stromer, 1915 – BSc Thesis 2021
  • Biomineralization of bivalves – BSc Thesis, 2020
  • Analysis of the eolian dune field in the northwestern part of the Gale Crater on Mars – MSc Thesis, 2019
  • Calcareous nannoplankton of Western Pomerania glacial rafts – MSc Thesis, 2019
  • Paleoecology and reasons of inoceramids extinction – BSc Thesis, 2019
  • The section of the Cretaceous Bogucianka Hill in Tyniec – BSc Thesis, 2019
  • Cretaceous conglomerates in vicinity of Kraków – MSc Thesis, 2018
  • The section of Cretaceous deposits in Mydlniki (Krakow) – BSc Thesis, 2016
  • Overview of contemporary theories of the origin of life on Earth – BSc Thesis, 2016
  • The mesozoic outcrops located between Pychowice and Kostrze (Kraków) – BSc Thesis, 2016
  • Precambrian bacteria from redox borderline environments – BSc Thesis, 2016
  • Morphometric analysis of the Arkhangelskiella group in Bąkowiec section, Skole Unit – MSc Thesis, 2015
  • Calcareous nannoplankton assemblages analysis at the K-Pg boundary in Bąkowiec section, Skole Unit – MSc Thesis, 2015
  • The evolution of the atmosphere in the Archean and Proterozoic – BSc Thesis, 2015
  • Environmental changes on the Callovian / Oxfordian border – BSc Thesis, 2015
  • Factors controlling the cyclic sedimentation of the Turonian through Coniacian near Opole, SW Poland – MSc Thesis, 2012
  • Activity of landslide in Lachowice based on fotogeological interpretation of aerial pictures from 1998-2009 – MSc Thesis, 2012
  • Analysis of the calcareous nannofossil assemblages from the Lower Cretaceous rhythmic bedded sediments in Poznachowice vicinity (Silesian Nappe, Polish Carpathians) – MSc Thesis, 2011
  • Geology of Lubycza Królewska vicinity – MSc Thesis, 2009
  • Analysis area source based on redepositional limestone of kostomłoty beds (fransian) in profile of Mogiłki quarry – MSc Thesis, 2009
  • Digital modeling of sedimentary basins on example of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben – MSc Thesis, 2008
  • Digital modeling of sedimentary basin on example of Batorów basin – MSc Thesis, 2008
  • Sedimentation conditions during Turonian in Opole Trough on example of sediments in the "Odra" quarry section – MSc Thesis, 2008
  • Stratigraphy of Cretaceous outcrops in Lubycza Królewska area based on calcareous nannoplankton – MSc Thesis, 2008
  • The first land plants of the Silurian – BSc Thesis, 2008
  • Jurassic climate – BSc Thesis, 2008
  • A comparison of catastrophes at the Permian/Triassic and Cretaceous/Paleogene boundaries – BSc Thesis, 2008
  • Source area of the redepositional sediments of the Kostomłoty Beds (Frasnian) of the "Mogiłki" quarry section – MSc Thesis, 2007
  • Source area of the redepositional sediments of the Kostomłoty Beds (Frasnian) in the Górno quarry section – MSc Thesis, 2007
  • Application of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) to aim geological cartography on the example of Wola Filipowska terrain – MSc Thesis, 2007
  • Macroevolution of the Eocene Archaeoceti, a secondary adaptation of mammals to aquatic life – Bsc Thesis, 2007
  • The climate of the "middle" Pliocene – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • When the fish came out of the water - the evolution of amphibians in the Devonian – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Ammonites of the Oxfordian of Zalas – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • General characteristics of the Miocene of Cracow and surroundings – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Paleoecology and evolution of phytosaurs on the example of Paleorhinus sp. from Krasiejów near Opole – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Pre-Holocene mammal fauna in cave sediments of the Cracow Upland – BSc Thesis, 2006
  • Analysis of palaeoenvironment of upper Bathonian, Callonian and Lower Oxfordian based on the calareous nannoplankton from " Wiek" Quarny, Ogrodzieniec – MSc Thesis, 2005