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Courses – Academic Year 2024/25

  • GIS in geology – e-learning, workshop
  • Structural geology – lecture and exercises
  • Fundamentals of GIS – exercises
  • Basics of cartography, topography and remote sensing – lecture
  • Geotourism – seminar, field exercises
  • Programming in earth sciences – workshop
  • Protection of geodiversity – seminar, field exercises
  • Magister laboratory class – workshop/laboratory class
  • Diploma (magister) workshop – practical exercises
  • Diploma (licencjat) workshop – workshop/laboratory class

Teaching Experience – Theses Supervision

Supervisor: 7 MSc Thesis, 18 BSc Thesis

Topics of Theses Supervised

  • Impact craters analysis in the vicinity of the Opportunity rover traverse – BSc Thesis, 2023
  • Geotouristic values of Podlaskie Voivodeship – BSc Thesis, 2023
  • The usage of the numerical terrain model in the identification of inselbergs on the example of the Little Beskids – BSc Thesis, 2023
  • Geology of the Silesian Nappe between Targanice and Porąbka in the Beskid Mały Mts – MSc Thesis, 2022
  • Structural geology of the area between Żegocina and Łososina Górna – MSc Thesis, 2022
  • Structural geology of the Silesian Nappe near Rzyki based on tectonic mesostructures’ analysis and digital elevation model – MSc Thesis, 2022
  • Geometric characteristics of structural networks based on digital photogrammetry on selected outcrops examples in the Polish part of Western Variscides – MSc Thesis, 2022
  • Geological structures in the Martian rover Curiosity traverse and their Earthly analogies – BSc Thesis, 2022
  • The usage of the numerical terrain model in the identification of inselbergs on the example of the Little Beskids – BSc Thesis, 2022
  • Underground radioactive waste repositories and their relationships with tectonics – BSc Thesis, 2022
  • GIS Analysis of environmental conditions of the occurrence of landslides in the Nowy Sącz Basin – BSc Thesis, 2022
  • Geological structure of Dukla Nappe in the Radoszyce area, in Bieszczady Mountains – MSc Thesis, 2021
  • Geological structures in martian craters along the travers of the Oppotunity rover – BSc Thesis, 2021
  • GIS analysis of environmental conditions for the occurrence of landslides in the Okrąglica massif (Beskid Żywiecki) – BSc Thesis, 2021
  • Geotouristic look at the Moon - selected objects of the Moon's surface in the context of geology – BSc Thesis, 2021
  • The use of airborne laser scanning in the interpretation of geological structures on the instance of the area between Nowy Łupków and Mików villages (Bieszczady Mountains) – MSc Thesis, 2020
  • Mineralogy of shear zone rocks in the crystalline core of the Western Tatras in the context of tectonic processes – MSc Thesis, 2020
  • 3D modeling of geological exposures: applications and use on the example of selected exposures of the Polish Western Carpathians – BSc Thesis, 2020
  • Kinematic indicators in rocks from Professor Piasecki's collection on the example of thin sections and macroscopic specimens – BSc Thesis, 2020
  • Practical application of the RockWorks software in structural geology – BSc Thesis, 2018
  • Statistical tools in fault rocks analysis – BSc Thesis, 2018
  • Atlantic Rift in Iceland: geology and importance in the region's economy – BSc Thesis, 2018
  • Counting craters on Mars’ surface as the method to determine the age of the planet surface – BSc Thesis, 2018
  • The use of Google SkethUp and Google Earth in creation of blockdiagrams and vizualization of geological data on the example of Mszana Dolna tectonic window (Outher Carpatians, Poland) – BSc Thesis, 2017
  • Stone inventory of the Tatra Mts. touristic shelter - Shelter in Dolina Chocholowska – BSc Thesis, 2017