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Leadership and Participation in Research Projects

  • Principal investigator of the MNiSW grant No. PB 0529/332 completed in 2011, "Sedimentation of Eocene deposits of the Tatra Mountains and the factors influencing them"
  • Research project funded by the Faculty's Own Research Reserve (WRBW) completed in 2007, "Age and depositional environment of late Cretaceous oceanic 'red' marl deposits (so-called CORBs) in the Pieniny Klippen Belt – micropaleontological and mineralogical-geochemical studies"
  • Principal investigator of the MNiSW grant No. 6 P04D 028 18 completed in 2001, "Biostratigraphy and sedimentation conditions of late Cretaceous marls of the Węglówka stratotype profile (sub-Silesian unit, Polish Carpathian flysch) based on small foraminiferal assemblages"
  • Participation in the IGCP 463 project - International Geological Correlation Program "Upper Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds: Response to Ocean/Climate Global Change"