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Leadership and Participation in Research Projects

  • Interfaculty Planetary Research Program UJ – MarsLab group since 2020
  • 2013/09/B/ST10/00591; NCN grant (20142018): "Multifaceted analysis of heavy minerals as a tool for studying the origin of flysch sediments and source area characteristics based on sandstones from the Upper Cretaceous and Oligocene of the Skole Nappe (Polish Flysch Carpathians)" – project leader
  • Project from the Faculty Reserve of Own Research at Jagiellonian University (2010): "Heavy minerals from Oligocene clastic sediments of the northern part of the Skole Nappe (Polish Flysch Carpathians)" – project leader
  • N307 02531/1997 (20062009); MNiSW grant: "Development of Paleogene-Early Miocene basins in the orogenic suture zone of the Central Carpathians and Western Outer Carpathians" – researcher
  • P04D 002 28 (20052008); MNiSW grant: "Source area characterization of the Pieniny Klippen Belt basin and the southern part of the Magura basin in the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene based on mineralogical and geochemical analysis of crystalline rock exotics" – project leader
  • PB 3P04D 048 22 (20022003); KBN grant: "Characterization of heavy mineral fractions of Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene sandstones of the southern part of the Magura Nappe (Polish Flysch Carpathians)" – project leader
  • PB 6P04D 009 16 (19992000); KBN grant: "Mineralogical-geochemical characterization of the heavy mineral assemblage of Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene sandstones of the Bystrzyca and Racza units (Magura Nappe) on the edge of the Mszana Dolna tectonic window" – project leader